Watch the Paneurhythmy

13. Weaving [Tâkane]

Day by day, hour by hour weaving on life’s loom

Thoughts Divine, feelings fine coming into bloom;

For the new Light and Love now prepare we ample room.

Every day think and say that Light will come tomorrow;

Love is now on its way to banish fear and woe;

So we work and we pray for brighter thoughts to know.

Weaving thus we take and give nature’s gifts Divine,

Learning daily how to live higher lives sublime;

Weaving thus we all receive the blessings of this time.

Day by day, hour by hour weaving on life’s loom

Thoughts Divine and feelings fine,

For the new life making room,

For the life that turns the night to day

And lights our upward way.

Latin transliteration of the original Bulgarian text:

Vseki den, vseki chas, vsyakoya minuta

niy snovem i tâchem nay-krasivi misli,

i zhivot svyat i chist vâv dushite vlivame.

Neka mir i lyubov v sârtsa ni da tsaruva,

dobrota, milosârdie v nazi da zhivey.

Svetlina i veselie navred da grey.

Tsvetentsata aromat sladosten pileyat,

ptichkite v nebesna shir churulikat, peyat.

I dâzhdetsa romoli nad nivi i livadi.

Tây i niy vseki den, vsyakoya minuta

shte rabotim, shte rastem i dobro shte seem,

i v dushite si krasivi misli nie da vtâchem.

“This exercise expresses the organic process within Nature, the process of build- ing. Does not a circulation of electricity and magnetism occur between the North and South Poles of Earth? This is expressed in this exercise through the crossing movements from left to right, and vice versa.
“Furthermore, polarity exists within every particle of matter. Between the two poles, electric and magnetic energy flows. These forces work within every human being as well. Every organ has its polarity.
“This exercise leads us to perceive, on one hand, the constructive principle within Nature; and on the other hand, it indicates the right way of introducing harmony and rhythm into this process, both internally as well as externally, in the life of humankind.”
“Beautiful garments are made of fine threads. Should you separate the threads, they will represent nothing in and of themselves. But if the threads are well-woven together, the result will be something beautiful. Each being makes sense only as part of the life of the whole. Live for the whole of humankind, for the whole of the Universe; that is to say, a higher ideal exists than that you now live for. In striving for this ideal you will then be of benefit to all. Should people stray from the Path, they will be abandoned and forgotten. Those who would like to be benevolent, let them direct their energy for the uplifting of the whole of humankind: that is to say, for the good of all.”

Excerpts from the book „Paneurhythmy”, 2015 ( you can downlad the file from the link)



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