RECOMMENDED The music of the Paneurhythmy

The music of the Paneurhythmy for dancing

From the links below you can download The music of the Paneurhythmy for dancing. Please note that:

1. Between the tracks there are 17-20 seconds pause.

2. Before every track there is a bell sound, after that there is a 2-3 seconds pause, enough to take starting position. 

4. In the recording of Ioana, Strateva, violin and Bojidar Simov, guitar the pauses between the tracks are 15 seconds long.

5. In the recording of Videlin Djedjev, violin and Viktor Ilieff, piano the pauses between the tracks are 10 seconds long.

5. In the recordings there is a 1min and 20 seconds pause – enough for the formula “Da prebade Bojiat mir i da izgree Bojiata radost i Bojieto veselie w nashite sarca” to be pronounced. Only in the recording from the Rila mountain paneuthythmy the formula is recorded. 

6. After the “Sun rays” there is 30 seconds pause for forming the pentagrams or for the recording to be paused.

Panevritmia – Viktor_Videlin 2018 – za igra – Studio recording of the paneurhythmy from 2018 – Videlin Djedjev, violin and Viktor Ilieff, piano

Pan_Simeon Simeonov – Studio recording of the paneurhythmy with Simeon Simeonov, tenor

Pan_Yoanna_Bojidar – Studio recording of the paneurhythmy from 2006 – Ioana, Strateva, violin and Bojidar Simov, guitar

Pan_Rila 2003 – Recording from the Rila mountain paneuthythmy made in 2003

Panevritmia_Plamena_Bojidar – Studio recording of the paneurhythmy from 2013 – Plamena Girginova, soprano and Bojidar Simov, guitar



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