
Set of 21 exercises

This set of 21 exercises are given by the Master Peter Deunov to his deciples around 1920.

1st exercise :

Starting position: Standing upright, legs and arms gathered near the body.


– Step forward with the right foot;

– Bringing the left foot to the right with a slight squat,

– Rising on the toes while the arms make wavy movement foreward and up to the 45 degree angle.


– The same movements are done with the left foot and so on.

The movements have to be smooth and done while breathing deeply.

The exercise is done 6 steps forward, while interchanging rigth and left foot, then 6 steps backwards, beggining with the right foot and left afterwards and so on, and then 3 steps forward, again begining with the right foot.

Note: There is a version of the exercises without the slight squat and the arms are risen with straight elbows to the 45 degree angle without the wavy movement. 

2nd exercise:

Starting position: Standing upright, flegs and arms gathered near the body.


– Repeat the movements of the exercise 1 with slight squat and abrupt movement of the arms up.


3rd exercise: Tear and Throw.

Starting position: Standing upright, legs gathered to one another. Slowly place your hands infront of your chest, palms downwards, fingers pointing forward and make a fist, the hands are touching one another. (see the picture)


  • Plase your right foot to the right with a slight squat of the left foot while the arms are going sideways, the fingers are opening. The movement represent tearing and trowing.

  • Set your arms and legs in starting possition.
  • Same movements are done with the left foot.

The exercise is done 21 times, each placing ot the foot is considered one repetition.

4th exercise: Knee balm.

Starting position: Standing upright, arms placed up and little forward and aside as shown in the picture.


– Squat and stand up, breathe in while squating and breathe out while rising up;

The exercise is done 21 times, as slowly as you can.

5th exercise: Receiving and giving of the God’s goods.

А) Receiving of the God’s goods.

Starting position: Standing upright, legs and arms gathered near the body.

Movements: Make 21 circles of the arms with elbows strighten – backward, upward, foreward and downward.

B) Giving of the God’s goods
Same as A) but the circles should be done opposite. (foreward, upward,  Както при пето упражнение, но кръговете са обратни (forward, upward, backward, downward).


6th Exercise: Exercise for the Lower Back

Starting Position: The body is straight, feet slightly open at shoulder width, hands positioned on your waist line. 

Movements: Bend slightly forward. Draw 3 circles with your hand starting counter clockwise and then 3 circles in the opposite direction. Make sure your legs are straight throughout the exercise and not bent at the knees.

Please Note: This exercise can be done in a fast pace, slowly, or a combination of the two (by starting slowly and gradually increasing the pace). When doing this exercise slowly – inhale when you lift your hands up, and exhale when the hands go down.

7th Exercise: Stretching.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 


  1. Right leg forward, slightly bent at the knee. Left knee straight; right hand forward at a 45° angle, left hand stretched backwards at a 45° angle.
    Stretch your body forward with all your weight on the right leg; left leg lifts up. This concludes the first part of the cycle.

  1. Straighten your right leg, left leg forward, left knee straight. Step forward with your foot straight to the ground. Simultaneously, arms relax by the body while slowly bending backwards. Arms should form a straight line with the left leg.
    Neck is relaxed allowing the head to fall backward. Gaze at the horizon. Arms are relaxed vertically, while the body and the right leg form a rainbow. This concludes the 2nd part of the cycle.


Each cycle is repeated 3 times, starting the first cycle with the left leg, and concluding the last cycle starting with the right leg.

8th Exercise: Breathing.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 

Movements: Inhale – right foot up, leg bent at the knee. Simultaneously, lift arms up, palms down, bent at the wrist; elbows pointing backwards. Palms should reach the chest, in line with the arm pits.

Exhale – right foot down to the ground. Simultaneously, vigorously push arms down keeping palms in their horizontal position.

Repeat this 12 times, stepping forward alternating each leg.

Please Note: This exercise can be done in one place, or with smaller steps forward. With each step forward, you can lift your body up on your toes.

9th Exercise: Magnetic.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 


Right leg forward while rocking the body back and forth. Repeat 4 times, on the 5th time, left leg forward raising the hands up at a 45-degree angle.

Repeat a total of 6 times while alternating starting legs. Movements are soft and subtle, use your toes while rocking back and forth and slightly bend the knees shifting your weight back and forth on each leg. Arms are relaxed and follow the movements of the body.

10th Exercise: Sudden Leg Switch.

Starting Position: Body is straight, right leg stretched to the side, hands on the waist line.


Shift your weight on the right leg and swing your left leg to the side. Rapidly switch legs.

Repeat 21 times.

11th Exercise: Let’s be kids (Jumping Jacks)

Starting Position: Body is straight, hands on the waistline.

Movements: Do Jumping Jacks with palms facing down.

Repeat 21 times.

12th Exercise: 6 to the left, 6 to the right, 3 to the left.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms stretched forward at chest level, palm facing down, fingers tightly pressed together. 

Movements: Left leg, step to the left, lift arms up horizontally, palms facing down.

Bring your right leg over, arms returning to their original position, forming a sideways walk.

Repeat 6 times to the left, 6 times to the right and 3 times to the left.

13th Exercise: Imperial.

Starting Position: Body is straight, facing East. Legs are close together, arms stretched up to the right.


  1. Legs slightly bent, draw a vertical semi-circle in front of your body swinging from right to left up to the opposite side of the starting position. Gaze follows the edge of your fingers.

Repeat 1st move.

2. Draw a semi-circle with your arms going down, forward and up. Simultaneously, step your left leg forward and push your arms forward, palms facing forward as well.

Legs slightly bent, reverse the movement of your arms going from left to right.

3. Repeat 1st move.

4. Draw a semi-circle with your arms going down, forward and up. Simultaneously, step your left leg forward and push your arms forward, palms facing forward as well.

5. Turn your body 90 degrees to the right, facing South. Arms draw a semi-circle going down, to the right and up. Simultaneously, bend your knees and face forward.

6. Draw a semi-circle with your arms from right, to left. Simultaneously bend your knees and face forward.

7. Draw a semi-circle with your arms from left to right. Simultaneously bend your knees and face forward.

8. Draw a semi-circle with your arms from right, to left. Turn your body to the East. Simultaneously, step your left right leg forward and push your arms forward, palms facing forward as well.

9. Turn your body 90 degrees to the left, facing North, repeat movements 5-8.

Repeat all exercises 6 times, alternating turns between North and South. The exercise should conclude with your body facing to the East, arms stretched forward and up.

Please Note: There is a variation of this exercise where you can move side ways (towards toe South), where the 4th movement is made by stepping to the left, pivoting on your right leg while turning 180 degrees, then reversing- all should be repeated 6 times.

14th Exercise: Swing your hips.

Starting Position: Body is straight, feet at shoulder width, hands on the waistline.

Movements: Hop up, right leg swings to the side then switch legs. The body should swing at the hips flowing with the movements. Gradually move backwards and forward, increasing your spead towards the end of the exercise. 

15th Exercise: For the Stomach.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 

Movements: arms draw vertical circles backwards and up. Bend forward, arms simultaneously release, touching the ground. Bring your body up again, arms up and backwards again forming a circle.

Repeat 3 times.


Please Note: There is a variation where the arms form a full circle back, up and forward (please refer to the first picture for this exercise)

16th Exercise: For the Chest.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 


  1. Bring your arms forward, palm face down, open your arms to the side while inhaling.


2. Bring your arms back towards the front of your body, then to your sides. Exhale.

Repeat 3 times.

17th Exercise: For the Lower Centers of the Sympathetic (The Vegetative/Autonomic Nervous System-ANS) Nervous System.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms legs tight with the body, legs slightly apart. 

Movements: Stretch your arms up, palms facing each other. Slightly tip your upper body to the right and bend forward, then tip your body to the left, and come back up, forming a circle with your movements. Repeat this 3 times to the left and 3 times to the right.

18th Exercise: For the Upper Centers of the Sympathetic (The Vegetative/Autonomic Nervous System-ANS) Nervous System.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 

Movements: Palms facing down, bring your arms up, horizontal to your body. Lift your arms up, twist palms up then bend your elbows to press your fingers down on your shoulders, forming a circle with your arms. Return to the starting position.

Repeat 3 times.

19th Exercise: For strengthening the Nervous System (Improving Your Balance).

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 


  1. Lift your right leg up, horizontally while you draw a circle backwards with your arm, to meet your right fingers with your right toes.


2. Take your leg backwards, bending the knee simultaneously drawing a circle with your right hand up and backwards. Reach for your heel touching it with your fingers.

Reverse sides.

Repeat 3 times on the right side and 3 times on the left.

Please Note: A variation shows this exercise to be repeated 6 times on each side.

20th Exercise: To Stimulate the Blood Flow in Your Brain.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 

Movements: Bring your arms forward, palms facing down. Twist your arms and body to the right. Simultaneously, turn your head to the left. Reverse.

Repeat this exercise 6 times to the left and 6 times to the right.

21st Exercise:  For Strengthening the Cerebellum.

Starting Position: Body is straight, arms and legs tight with the body. 

Movements: Stretch your arms forward, palms facing down. Then, twist your arms up and backwards. Knees slightly bent, with your weight forward on your feet. Lift your hands up as if splashing water, while straightening your body to the starting position.

Repeat this 3 times.

(The last 7 exercises are given by the Master at the anual gathering of “The Succession” in 1910 in thre city of Veliko Tarnovo.

Video of the Set of 21 exercises, part of the movie “Exercises for the Body and the Soul”



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